Versatile procedure for the correction of non-isochromatism in XPEEM spectroscopic imaging.


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Non-isochromatism in X-ray PhotoEmission Electron Microscopy (XPEEM) may result in unwanted artifacts especially when working with large field of views. The lack of isochromatism of XPEEM images may result from multiple factors, for instance the energy dispersion of the X-rays on the sample or the effect of one or more dispersive elements in the electron optics of the microscope, or the combination of both. In practice, the photon energy or the electron kinetic energy may vary across the image, complicating image interpretation and analysis. The effect becomes severe when imaging at low magnification upon irradiation with high energy photons. Such imaging demands for a large X-ray illuminating spot size usually achieved by opening the exit slit of the X-ray monochromator while reducing the monochromaticity of the irradiating light. However, we show that the effect is linear and can be fully removed. A versatile correction procedure is presented which leads to true monochromatic photoelectron images at improved signal-to-noise ratio. XPEEM data recorded at the nanospectroscopy beamline of the Elettra synchrotron radiation facility illustrate the working principle of the procedure. Also, reciprocal space XPEEM data such as angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) momentum plots suffer from linear energy dispersion artifacts which can be corrected in a similar way. Representative data acquired from graphene synthesized on copper by chemical vapor deposition prove the benefits of the correction procedure.
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