Needs and Considerations for Standardization of Kidney Disease Education in Patients with Advanced CKD.

Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN(2023)

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Kidney health advocacy organizations and leaders in the nephrology community have repeatedly emphasized the need to increase home dialysis utilization in the United States. Limited awareness and understanding of options for the management of kidney failure among patients living with advanced CKD is a significant barrier to increasing the selection and use of home dialysis. Studies have shown that providing targeted comprehensive patient education before the onset of kidney failure can improve patients' awareness of kidney disease and substantially increase the informed utilization of home dialysis. Unfortunately, in the absence of validated evidence-based education protocols, outcomes associated with home dialysis use vary widely among published studies, potentially affecting the routine implementation and reporting of these services among patients with advanced CKD. This review provides pragmatic guidance on establishing effective patient-centered education programs to empower patients to make informed decisions about their KRT and, in turn, increase home dialysis use.
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