Automatic Landing Guidance Law Design for Carrier-based Aircraft based on Multi-mode Guidance System

QuanPing Wang,Liang Liu,Xin Zhao

2023 6th International Symposium on Autonomous Systems (ISAS)(2023)

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This paper mainly studies the automatic landing guidance system based on multi-scale asynchronous fusion algorithm, which can effectively improve the accuracy of landing. Firstly, on the basis of establishing the full nonlinear motion equations of six degrees freedom of carrier-based aircraft, a multi-mode guidance system composed of a variety of sensors is designed. Furthermore, in order to solve the problem of asynchronous information fusion combined with multi-mode guidance system, the adaptive unscented Kalman filter algorithm, multi-scale estimation theory and distributed federal filtering structure are adopted, and the sensors with different sampling frequencies are regarded as different scales, and the suboptimal estimation results are obtained through the local filter and sent to the main filter to obtain the global optimal estimation after fusion. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed algorithm is verified by simulation results.
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Key words
Carrier-based aircraft,Adaptive unscented Kalman filtering,Multi-mode guidance system,asynchronous information fusion
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