Smart Agriculture Monitoring and Controlling System using Multi-agents model

Tahni Humoud, Muneerah Alrushoud, Fatemah Almutairi, Wadhha Almutairi, Fay Almarri,Hassan Kanj

2023 5th International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART)(2023)

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Agricultural fields occupy huge surfaces in Kuwait specially in the desert where climate heavily affects the workers, the quality, and the quantity of the agricultural crops. Most of these fields are located far from residential areas, which generates difficulty in monitoring and controlling those areas. This paper introduces a smart irrigation system that monitors and controls the agricultural field wirelessly using Zigbee technologies. It considers various parameters such as temperature, humidity, moisture, gas concentration. The proposed system evaluates in real-time the status of the farm (normal/abnormal), controls automatically the irrigation and the cooling systems, and communicates the collected data with the farmer wirelessly. Furthermore, this system was modeled using the Agent-based system the dynamic status of the agricultural field and to shows how an abnormal reading change the behavior of the system from normal to abnormal. This system was implemented and tested on a small farm to keep track of the status of the farm, represent the current behavior of the system and react immediately in case of abnormal reading. Results show that the application of this system improved the quality and increased production on the farm.
Multi-agent,Zigbee technology,Smart Agriculture,monitoring and controlling
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