Biomarkers and personalised medicine in paediatric kidney disease.

The Lancet. Child & adolescent health(2023)

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The concept of precision medicine for children and adults with chronic kidney disease has gained considerable attention in the past decade, with improvements in our understanding of the genetic, molecular, and other mechanisms that drive disease predisposition and progression. A notable example is the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases' Kidney Precision Medicine Project, which has set out an ambitious long-term goal of mapping kidney biopsy samples to better understand important cells, regions, and disease pathways. Urinary DKK3 as a biomarker for short-term kidney function decline in children with chronic kidney disease: an observational cohort studyUrinary DKK3 indicates short-term risk of declining kidney function in children with chronic kidney disease and might allow a personalised medicine approach by identifying those who benefit from pharmacological nephroprotection, such as intensified blood pressure lowering. Full-Text PDF
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