Nutritional requirements of human induced pluripotent stem cells

Davi M. Lyra-Leite, Raymond R. Copley, Phillip P. Freeman, Praeploy Pongpamorn,Disheet Shah, Donald E. McKenna, Brian Lenny,Emily A. Pinheiro,Carly J. Weddle,Mennat Gharib, Hoor Javed,Hananeh Fonoudi,Yadav Sapkota,Paul W. Burridge

Stem Cell Reports(2023)

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The nutritional requirements for human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) growth have not been extensively studied. Here, building on our prior work that established the suitable non-basal medium components for hiPSC growth, we develop a simplified basal medium consisting of just 39 components, demonstrating that many ingredients of DMEM/F12 are either not essential or are at suboptimal concentrations. This new basal medium along with the supplement, which we call BMEM, enhances the growth rate of hiPSCs over DMEM/F12-based media, supports derivation of multiple hiPSC lines, and allows differentiation to multiple lineages. hiPSCs cultured in BMEM consistently have enhanced expression of undifferentiated cell markers such as POU5F1 and NANOG, along with increased expression of markers of the primed state and reduced expression of markers of the naive state. This work describes titration of the nutritional requirements of human pluripotent cell culture and identifies that suitable nutrition enhances the pluripotent state.
Cell culture media,human induced pluripotent stem cell,chemically defined
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