Integrating glacio-hydrological and power grid models to assess the climate-resiliency of high mountain hydropower in Nepal

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(2023)

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Climate change significantly impacts hydrological systems resulting in hydropower generation uncertainties. In this study, a high-resolution glacio-hydrological model is coupled with an hourly-resolution power grid model to evaluate the climate change influences on hydropower generation across Nepal. Four climate future scenarios namely Cold-Dry, Warm-Dry, Cold-Wet, and Warm-Wet are developed to compare the changes in water avail-ability and optimal power system with historical climate. The total flow increases for the wet scenarios (+11.4% under Cold-Wet for the Koshi basin), compared to the dry scenarios (-24.6% under Warm-Dry for the Karnali basin) for all the major river basins in Nepal. The results illustrate the distribution and magnitude of changes in total water availability and power generation are not proportional for dry and wet scenarios as a-20% reduction of water availability in the dry scenarios only results in a-2-3% decrease in electricity generation. The capacity requirements of hydro storage decrease by 7.2 GW for Cold-Wet and 6.8 GW for Warm-Wet scenarios compared to historical climate indicating higher capacity requirements in dry scenarios. Larger impacts observed at higher altitudes suggest more attentive adaptation strategies in developing climate-resilient hydropower systems. Re-sults suggest that Nepal should not be entirely focused on exploiting its hydropower potential but rather diversifying the generation mix including solar PV and hydrogen technology. For the least-cost power system expansion, the Warm-Wet climate appears to be the most desirable and a cost savings of about 3.76 billion USD in hydropower development can be realized if better adaptation strategies are employed.
Climate change,Hydrological regime,Resilience,Power system,High mountain Asia,Hydropower
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