Lingual schwannoma: a case report

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology(2023)

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A 27-year-old female patient, referred for evaluation of lingual tumoration, with a 10-year evolution. Intraoral examination revealed an increase in volume in the left posterior region of the lingual dorsum, asymptomatic, firm to palpation, with no color alterations and maintenance of the mucosa integrity, measuring about 30 mm. Initially, an incisional biopsy was performed with diagnostic hypotheses of neoplasm of neural or glandular origin and lipoma. The histopathological examination revealed an encapsulated mesenchymal neoplasm, composed of fusiform and compound cells, either irregular or in palisade, around a central region. The immunohistochemical reaction showed that cells were positive for S100 and negative for CD34. Thus, the histological diagnosis was Schwannoma. The treatment was conservative excision under general anesthesia. Histological examination of surgical specimen confirmed the diagnosis of Schwannoma. After 6 months of post-op, there was no evidence of recurrence. A 27-year-old female patient, referred for evaluation of lingual tumoration, with a 10-year evolution. Intraoral examination revealed an increase in volume in the left posterior region of the lingual dorsum, asymptomatic, firm to palpation, with no color alterations and maintenance of the mucosa integrity, measuring about 30 mm. Initially, an incisional biopsy was performed with diagnostic hypotheses of neoplasm of neural or glandular origin and lipoma. The histopathological examination revealed an encapsulated mesenchymal neoplasm, composed of fusiform and compound cells, either irregular or in palisade, around a central region. The immunohistochemical reaction showed that cells were positive for S100 and negative for CD34. Thus, the histological diagnosis was Schwannoma. The treatment was conservative excision under general anesthesia. Histological examination of surgical specimen confirmed the diagnosis of Schwannoma. After 6 months of post-op, there was no evidence of recurrence.
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