Structure of the prompt neutron multiplicity distribution in the spontaneous fission of 256Rf

A.V. Isaev, R.S. Mukhin, A.V. Andreev, Z. Asfari, M.L. Chelnokov, V.I. Chepigin,H.M. Devaraja, O. Dorvaux, B. Gall, K. Hauschild,I.N. Izosimov, A.A. Kuznetsova,A. Lopez-Martens,O.N. Malyshev,A.G. Popeko,Yu.A. Popov,A. Rahmatinejad, B. Sailaubekov,T.M. Shneidman,E.A. Sokol

Physics Letters B(2023)

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An experimental study of 256Rf spontaneous fission following the fusion reaction of 50Ti+208Pb was performed using the velocity filter SHELS of the Flerov laboratory at JINR. The average number of neutrons of ν‾=4.30±0.17 and variance of σν2=3.2 from the prompt neutron multiplicity distribution were obtained. The alpha decay branching ratio of bα=0.003−0.003+0.005 and the half-life of T1/2=(6.7±0.2) ms of the isotope were determined. For the first time, our neutron detector system allowed us to extend investigation of the prompt neutron multiplicity study to the superheavy element region.
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Key words
Superheavy nuclei, Spontaneous fission, Prompt neutrons, Fission modes
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