
Effect of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) and Electric Field (EF) on Some Behavior of Honeybees (Apis melliferaL.)


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Geomagnetic field can be used by different magnetoreception mechanisms, for navigation and orientation by honeybees. The present study analyzed the effects of magnetic field on honeybees. This study was carried out in 2017 at the Bayburt University Beekeeping Application Station. In this study, the effect of Electro Magnetic field (EMF) and electric field (EF) on the time of finding the source of food of honeybees and the time of staying there were determined. The honeybees behaviors were analyzed in the presence of external magnetic fields generated by Helmholtz coils equipment. The Electro Magnetic field values of the coils were fixed to 0 μT (90mV/m), 50 μT (118 mV/m), 100 μT (151 mV/m), 150 μT (211 mV/m), 200 μT (264 mV/m). Petri dishes filled with sugar syrup were placed in the center of the coils. According to the study, honeybees visited at most U1 (mean =21.0±17.89 bees) and at least U5 (mean =10.82±11.77 bees). Honeybees waited for the longest time in U1 (mean =35.27±6.97 seconds) and at least in U5 (mean =12.28±5.58 seconds). According to the results obtained from this first study showed that honeybees are highly affected by electromagnetic radiation and electric field.SummaryHoneybees uses the magnetic field of the earth to to determine their direction. Nowadays, the rapid spread of electrical devices and mobile towers leads to an increase in man-made EMF. This causes honeybees to lose their orientation and thus lose their hives.
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