632 Cognitive relaxation induced by a cosmetic active ingredient mimicking light-therapy sessions benefit

Journal of Investigative Dermatology(2023)

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Well-being is a growing trend driven by consumer demand and a new branch of wellness known as “psychcare” is even emerging. Unfortunately, the main methodologies to study well-being are mainly based on questionnaires and cannot be used to understand the impact of mental and behavioral processes leading to well-being resulting from cosmetic use. The myBrainTech platform was born at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière in Paris, respecting the regulatory criteria of the medical devices ISO 13485. It consists of a wireless electroencephalography (EEG) headsets coupled to a platform dedicated to the automated and standardized measurement of cognitive and emotional neuromarkers as Relaxation, Emotion (valence and arousal), Attention and Mental load. Light therapy has proven efficacy to improve symptomas of mood related troubles. We developed an experimental protocol with a light therapy display to demonstrate that this platform can study the improvement of human well-being. In a first clinical assessment, we identified the neuromarkers of well-being enhanced by light therapy sessions. Then, we investigated whether a cosmetic Active Ingredient (AI) applied on facial skin of people could provide a similar sense of well-being as light therapy sessions. As expected, the light therapy device improved panelists’ cognitive Relaxation, validating the use of this platform. In addition, the AI formula provided comparable Relaxation benefit when applied twice daily for 1 or 5 days in normal or low mood panels while placebo didn’t. This platform proved to be effective to measure the cognitive impact of light therapy easily and robustly. In addition, we propose a new cosmetic AI providing a comparable benefit. This study shed new light on brain activity that can inform us like a mirror, on what users report about their perceived feelings.
cognitive relaxation,cosmetic active ingredient,light-therapy
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