A review of CNTs and graphene reinforced YSZ nanocomposites: Preparation, mechanical and anti-irradiation properties

Xiaodong Zhang,Chenkun Sun, Hongzhi Ji, Mingqi Yang, Haipeng Zhang,Wei Tian,Yiyong Wu,Oleg V. Tolochko,You Wang

Journal of Materials Science & Technology(2023)

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Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) ceramics have been widely applied in areas of high-temperature thermal protection and nuclear radiation protection during the past decades. Both carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene are regarded as highly ideal reinforcements for YSZ ceramics due to their natural excellent properties. However, is still a controversial topic how to make YSZ composites obtain better performance after adding CNTs and graphene. In particular, dispersion and sintering processes of CNTs and graphene in YSZ, are critical to the performance of the YSZ composites. So far, there is not a thorough analysis of the impact of CNTs and graphene on the mechanical characteristics and irradiation resistance of YSZ. Therefore, this paper focuses on the dispersion methods and sintering technologies of CNTs/YSZ and graphene/YSZ nanocomposites, as well as the mechanical properties and anti-irradiation properties. Furthermore, the potential applications are also prospected for CNTs/YSZ and graphene/YSZ nanocomposites. & COPY; 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology.
CNTs/YSZ,Graphene/YSZ,Dispersion methods,Sintering technologies,Mechanical properties,Irradiation resistance
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