Dual-Polarized Frequency Selective Rasorber With Two Wide Transmission Bands

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation(2023)

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This communication presents a design method for dual-polarized stacked frequency selective rasorber (FSR) with two wide transmission bands. In order to achieve three absorbing bands and two broadband transmission windows simultaneously in a wide operating frequency range, two similar lossy layers, a low-pass frequency-selective surface (FSS), and a dual bandpass multilayer FSS is cascaded from the top to the bottom. The low-pass FSS acts as the ground of the lossy layers to generate a high-frequency absorption band. The interaction between the dual bandpass FSS and two lossy layers results in low- and intermediate-frequency absorption bands. Two transmission windows are achieved when two transmission bands of the lossy layer coincide with those of the low-pass and dual-bandpass FSSs. The designed FSR has two wide −3 dB transmission bands with fractional bandwidths of 45.98% and 23.31% and three absorbing bands with fractional bandwidths of 81.11%, 13.67%, and 3.36% for absorptivity greater than 80%. A prototype of the proposed FSR is fabricated and good agreement between the simulation and the measurement is obtained.
Dual passband,frequency selective rasorber (FSR),low-pass,wide operating frequency range,wide transmission bands
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