Immunological and clinical effects of a preoperative immunonutrition formula in patients with upper digestive cancer.

A. Vidal Casariego, A. Santamaría Nieto,R. Villar Taibo, A. Cantón Blanco, A. Fernández Pombo,G. Lugo Rodríguez, G. Rodríguez Carnero,F. Pita Gutiérrez, A.B. Crujeiras Martínez,M.Á. Martínez Olmos

Clinical Nutrition ESPEN(2023)

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Rationale: Enteral formulas enriched in arginine, nucleotides, ω-3 fatty acids and EVOO polyphenols may have a modulating action on immune and inflammatory function in patients undergoing oncological surgery. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether preoperative immunonutrition induces changes in lymphocyte populations and inflammation parameters before surgery and reduces the occurrence of postoperative complications
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Key words
upper digestive cancer,preoperative immunonutrition formula
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