Conjoint analysis of m6A regulators and copy number variations in thyroid carcinoma

Research Square (Research Square)(2020)

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Abstract Background: Most patients with thyroid carcinoma have a good prognosis, but some thyroid carcinomas are aggressive and prone to recurrence and metastasis. Further, concomitant overdiagnosis and overtreatment are important issues. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between mutations and copy number variations in m6A regulatory genes and the clinicopathological features of thyroid carcinoma.Results: Advanced pathological stage and T stage were significantly correlated with changes in m6A regulatory genes (p<0.05). Patients with abnormal copy numbers of m6A regulatory genes had a significantly shorter progression-free interval than patients with normal copy numbers. Mutations and copy number variations in m6A regulatory genes were significantly correlated with advanced pathological stage and T stage. Conclusions: Copy number variations were a poor prognostic factor for thyroid carcinoma as evidenced by the significantly short progression-free interval in patients with copy number variations in m6A regulatory genes. Further, the ZC3H13 gene may be involved in the occurrence and development of thyroid carcinoma by regulating cancer-associated signaling pathways and biological processes. These findings may help distinguish patients with poor prognoses who may need more aggressive treatment from patients who have better prognoses.
thyroid carcinoma,m6a regulators,copy number variations
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