Identification of Covid-19 suspect cases through a digital triage: a multicenter Italian-Iranian study on

Research Square (Research Square)(2020)

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Abstract Objective: To explore, through a digital triage monitoring, the frequency of demographic and clinical characteristics suggestive for COVID-19 among two large samples of people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS) and to evaluate the association between demographic and clinical characteristics of pwMS and the likelihood of being identified as COVID-19 suspect. Methods: A Google Forms triage was e-mailed to 3500 pwMS. pwMS suspects for having COVID-19 were: A) patients who reported recent contact with a patient with suspicion or diagnosis of COVID-19 and the presence of at least one symptom suggestive of COVID-19; B) pwMS with at least two symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. Demographics, clinical characteristics, and DMT categories of COVID-19-suspect vs non-suspect pwMS were compared.Results: 1035/1500 questionnaires were fulfilled by Italian pwMS and 1346/2000 by Iranian patients. 4.9% of Iranian and 1,5% of Italian pwMS met our criteria for the COVID-19-suspect case. Only diabetes and heart disease (OR: 5,374, 95%CI: 2,470 – 11,985, p-value<0.001) were independently associated with the likelihood of being suspect for COVID-19.Conclusion: The results of a digital triage system applied to a large Italian-Iranian population of pwMS to identify suspect cases of COVID-19 were discussed. Demographic and clinical characteristics of pwMS suspect for COVID-19 and the factors influencing the likelihood of being COVID-19 suspect are comparable to those of previous studies. Therefore, we encourage the use of the digital triage in patients with this chronic and severely disabling disease to pinpoint suspect case of COVID-19 in order to promptly activate the second phase of the intervention.
digital triage,italian-iranian
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