Identification of Cutaneous Fungi and Mites in Adult Atopic Dermatitis: Analysis by Targeted 18S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing


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Abstract Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) patients have a changed skin bacterial community, with high abundance of Staphylococcus aureus associated with flairs, highlighting that microbial organisms may be important for disease exacerbation. Despite strong evidence of association between bacterial skin colonization and AD, very limited knowledge regarding the eukaryotic microbial community, including fungi and ectoparasites, in AD exists. In this study, we compared the skin and nasal eukaryotic microbial community between adult AD patients (n=55) and non-AD healthy controls (n=45) using targeted 18S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Analysis was based on the presence or absence of eukaryotic microorganisms. Results: The cutaneous composition of the eukaryotic microbial community and the alpha-diversity differed significantly between AD patients and non-AD individuals, with increased species richness on AD skin. Alpha-diversity and beta-diversity were similar on lesional and non-lesional skin of patients. The ectoparasite Demodex folliculorum and the yeast Geotrichum candidum were significantly more prevalent on the skin of AD patients. The prevalence of D. folliculorum on lesional skin was greater among patients recently treated with topical corticosteroid. Malassezia was one of the most frequently detected genera at all sites, with M. globosa and M. restricta being the most prevalent. M. restricta was overrepresented in the anterior nares of AD patients as compared to the non-AD control population. Conclusion: Significant differences in the eukaryotic microbial communities were found between AD patients and non-AD individuals, with the most striking finding being the significantly overrepresentation of D. folliculorum on AD skin. Whether D. folliculorum can contribute to skin inflammation in AD needs further investigation.
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