Functional ultrasound imaging of the spreading activity following optogenetic stimulation of the rat visual cortex

M. Provansal, G. Labernede, C. Joffrois, A. Rizkallah, R. Goulet, M. Valet, W. Deschamps,U. Ferrari,A. Chaffiol,D. Dalkara,J.A. Sahel,M. Tanter,S. Picaud,G. Gauvain,F. Arcizet

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2021)

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Optogenetic stimulation of the primary visual cortex (V1) is a promising therapy for sight restoration, but it remains unclear what total cerebral volume is activated after surface stimulation. In this study, we expressed the red-shifted opsin ChrimsonR in excitatory neurons within V1 in rats, and used the fine spatial resolution provided by functional ultrasound imaging (fUS) over the whole depth of the brain to investigate the brain response to focal surface stimulation. We observed optogenetic activation of a high proportion of the volume of V1. Extracellular recordings confirmed the neuronal origin of this activation. Moreover, neuronal responses were even located in deep layers under conditions of low irradiance, spreading to the LGN and V2, consistent with a normal visual information process. This study paves the way for the use of optogenetics for cortical therapies, and highlights the value of coupling fUS with optogenetics.
optogenetic stimulation,visual cortex,functional ultrasound imaging
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