Reconciling geodetic and geologic estimates of coastal vertical land motion around the British Isles


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<p><em>Karegar et al</em>. (<em>2016</em>, <em>GRL</em>) showed that independent estimates of vertical land motion from geodetic and geologic techniques are critical for understanding coastal surface motion caused by geological versus human-induced processes along the Atlantic coast of North America. Motivated by these results, <span>w</span>e extend our analysis to the British Isles where good quality and spatially dense constraints are available from a continuous G<span>NSS</span> network and a state-of-the-art Holocene sea-level database. Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) along the Atlantic coast of North America causes the land surface to sink (up to -1.5 <em>mm/yr</em>), exacerbating tidal-induced flooding effects of sea-level rise. The British Isles are also subjected to proglacial forebulge collapse associated with the GIA response to the ancient Fennoscandian and British-Irish Ice Sheets. Here, we present an up-to-date and precise analysis based on continuous GNSS (combined GPS and GlONASS observations) and geologic records of late Holocene sea-level change to examine residuals between rates on these different timescales to determine if there is a significant residual and, if so, the processes responsible for the rate change.</p>
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