Mobile On-Site COVID-19 Vaccination of Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities by Neighbourhood Risk in Toronto

Tai Huynh, Nathalie Sava,Shoshana Hahn-Goldberg, Jen Recknagel,Isaac I. Bogoch,Kevin A. Brown, Vinity Dubey, Shiran Isaacksz,Peter Juni, Fiona G. Kouyoumdjian,Antonina Maltsev,Douglas G. Manuel, Danielle Martin, Josh Matlow,Allison McGeer, Christa S. Mills, Elizabeth Niedra,Jeff Powis,Paula A. Rochon,Samir K. Sinha,Nathan M. Stall,Adalsteinn D. Brown


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Naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs) are apartment, condo, co-op and social housing buildings that while not purpose-built for older adults, have become home to a high number of them. In Toronto, there are 489 residential buildings that are NORCs. Of these, 256 are located in neighbourhoods with the highest cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2, and are home to 40,955 older adults 65 years of age and above, including 18,144 older adults 80 years of age and above. Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccination by both age and neighbourhood of residence is an effective strategy to minimize deaths, morbidity, and hospitalization. Targeting people living in NORCs in high-risk neighbourhoods for early vaccination is a practical application of that strategy, which will also address barriers to vaccination in this population.
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