Health services for Indigenous children in remote Australia: a strategic literature review

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Introduction: There is a significant gap between health outcomes in Indigenous and non-Indigenous children, which may relate to inequity in health service provision, particularly in remote areas. We aim to review the literature to describe health services and their use by children living in remote Australia, comparing them to best practice models to identify opportunities for improvements.Methods: Electronic-databases of medical literature were searched from Jan 1990 to Dec 2013. Grey literature was identified through investigation of websites, including local, state and national health departments. Essential information was extracted and summarised for papers meeting inclusion criteria for the review.Results: A total of 45 titles was identified in a strategic search of electronic medical databases and 47 in the grey literature. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria applied. Data were extracted from 92 documents.Conclusions: Barriers exist to effective child health service delivery in remote Australia including availability and access. Existing services cannot meet demand. Gold standard models for service delivery incorporating community engagement and collaboration should be explored. Increased resources and focus on primary prevention and health promotion are essential.
indigenous children,remote australia,health
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