Ventilation-induced epithelial injury drives biological onset of lung traumain vitroand is mitigated with anti-inflammatory therapeutics

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2021)

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AbstractMortality rates among patients suffering from acute respiratory failure remain perplexingly high despite maintenance of blood homeostasis. Thebiotraumahypothesis advances that mechanical forces from invasive ventilation trigger immunological factors that spread systemically. Yet, how these forces elicit an immune response remains unclear. Here we show that flow-induced stresses under mechanical ventilation can injure the bronchial epithelium of ventilatedin vitroupper airway models and directly modulate inflammatory cytokine secretion associated with pulmonary injury. We identify site-specific susceptibility to epithelial erosion in airways from jet-flow impaction and measure an increase in cell apoptosis and modulated secretions of cytokines IL-6, 8 and 10. We find that prophylactic pharmacological treatment with anti-inflammatory therapeutics reduces apoptosis and pro-inflammatory signaling during ventilation. Our 3Din vitroairway platform points to a previously overlooked origin of lung injury and showcases translational opportunities in preclinical pulmonary research towards protective therapies and improved protocols for patient care.
epithelial injury,trauma<i>in,ventilation-induced,anti-inflammatory
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