Exploring Computing Science Programs' Admission Procedures with a Diversity and Inclusion Lens.

ITiCSE (2)(2023)

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Computing science education has experienced low attendance and historic declines in registration from different minority groups. The past decade of enrollment surge in computer science undergraduate programs has increased the number of women and minorities in the field, but the improvements are inconsistent and less than expected. An increase in the use of computing science and in the demand of technology workforce is expected in the upcoming years. Thus, computing science is set to shape the future of technology for a diverse set of technology users. Therefore, it is important to analyze how undergraduate program admission procedures are affecting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion of historically marginalized groups in computing science. Critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-solving are considered some of the foundational skills for success in computing science. These qualities are often assessed throughout a student's academic career through grades. Additional factors such as leadership, motivation, intention, prior exposure, and community involvement are also sometimes considered while evaluating candidates in admission procedures. We will explore the factors assessed by different institutions when deciding to admit a student in computing science undergraduate programs and evaluate possible effects of such admissions procedures on diversity and inclusion. We aim to identify student success indicators and recommend equitable processes on the basis of our findings.
Computer Science, Undergraduate Admissions, Admissions, Diversity, Inclusion, Education Equity
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