Subclinical Brain Lesion in MRI is a Potential Indicative of PFO-Related Migraine in Younger Patients

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Background: The causal relationship of migraine with PFO remains controversial and a major question unresolved is how to define the PFO-attributable migraine.Objective: In this study, we evaluated diffusion-weighted-imaging (DWI) presentation in brain MRI and its association with PFO in patients with migraine. We aimed to define if brain lesion could be a potential indicative of PFO-related migraine. Methods: Consecutive migraine patients <60 years with or without aura from 2017 to 2019 who underwent transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) or transcranial Doppler (TCD) examination with agitated saline contrast (ASC) injection were assessed for right-to-left shunt (RLS). We then assessed brain DWI findings in the patients and tested the association of brain lesion with PFO. Results: A total of 424 patients with mean age 44.39±12.06 years were included in the study. Among them, 244 patients (57.5%) had PFO and 246 patients (58%) had subclinical brain lesion. The brain lesion presented as single or multiple scattered lesion. Although there was no association between PFO prevalence and brain lesion in the total cohort (OR 0.499, 95% CI 0.236-1.052), the association was significant in patients who were aged less than 46 years (OR 3.614 in group of age<34 years, 95% CI 1.128-11.580, and 3.132 in group of 34 years≤age<46 years, 95% CI 1.334-7.350, respectively). DWI lesion in patients with PFO was more coming from anterior or multiple than posterior vascular territory (p=0.033). DWI lesion numbers, location and RLS amounts were not affecting the association between DWI lesion and PFO. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that subclinical brain lesion are associated with PFO in migraineurs younger than 46 years. The DWI pattern of brain lesions may be used as a potential predictor of PFO-related migraine in patients who are aged less than 46 years and aids in selection of appropriate candidates for PFO closure.
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