Climate data record of atmospheric motion vectors at EUMETSAT for usage in reanalysis

Marie Doutriaux-Boucher, Roger Huckle,Alessio Lattanzio, Olivier Sus, Jaap Onderwaater, Mike Grant, Joerg Schulz


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<p>This presentation provides an overview of the different upper-air wind data records available at EUMETSAT for usage in global and regional reanalysis. The assimilation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV) is recognised to be important to reduce the forecast errors in NWP model runs. In support of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), EUMETSAT produced several AMV Climate Data Records (CDR) from geostationary and low-earth orbit satellites for assimilation into ECMWF&#8217;s next global reanalysis ERA6.</p><p>Since the launch of its first generation of geostationary satellites, EUMETSAT has developed its own unique algorithms to derive atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs). These algorithms are used to provide real time AMVs using images acquired from instruments on-board both polar and geostationary satellites. These AMVs are routinely assimilated into weather forecast models. EUMETSAT archived all image data from its instruments (MVIRI and SEVIRI) in geostationary orbit and the global record of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data back to the late 1970s providing a suitable data source for climate research allowing the production of consistent AMV CDRs over the entire period.</p><p>Two long AMV data records are available now from the geostationary sensors on Meteosat-2 to Meteosat-10 covering 1981-2017 over Africa and Europe and from AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC) data from 16 AVHRR instruments starting with the TIROS-N satellite and covering polar AMVs over the Northern and Southern hemisphere from 1978-2019. In addition, full resolution AVHRR images (Local Area Coverage (LAC)) from the AVHRR aboard the polar orbiting Metop-A and -B satellites were used to generate a CDR containing polar AMVs from single satellite retrievals and global AMVs from the combined Metop-A/B dual satellite retrieval starting in 2007 and 2013, respectively.</p><p>For all data records, the EUMETSAT AMV algorithm adapted for climate purposes was used and extensive validation of the data records were performed. It shows that the CDR are homogeneous and very stable over the period. They are suitable for usage in model reanalysis and climate analysis. The CDR are in agreement with ground based radiosonde and model data. For the polar AMVs, a remarkable agreement with MODIS AMVs has been found.</p><p>To better serve closer to real time needs for reanalysis, EUMETSAT is experimenting with the continuous production of an Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) with a timeliness close to real-time. With a still not completely operational low-cost approach, a timeliness of 83% within 18 hours at similar quality was achieved.</p><p>In addition to the existing data records the presentation provides the plan for future improvements and new CDR releases for AMV data records in the coming years. In particular, the use of better information on multi-layer cloud objects in AMV retrievals is a central part for the improvements of the AMVs from geostationary orbit.&#160;&#160;</p>
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