Driving Forces and Influences of Flood Diversion on Discharge Fraction and Peak Water Levels at an H-Shaped Compound River Node in the Pearl River Delta, South China


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The SiXianJiao (SXJ) is the first-order exchange node of the West River and the North River and redistributes water (mass) to the downstream river network in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), South China. The lateral SXJ waterway plays a critical role in flow (mass) diversion between the West River and the North River, forming a unique H-shaped compound river node. Previous studies mainly focused on Y-shaped bifurcation and confluence nodes, and there is a lack of research on deltaic H-shaped river nodes. This study established the Delft3D model to investigate the driving forces and influences of flood diversion at the SXJ node. The results showed that the H-shaped SXJ river node was usually in hydraulic equilibrium but was often disturbed by large water level differences between the two rivers, due to unbalanced and asynchronous upstream flood waves. The large water level differences drove mutual flood diversion through the lateral SXJ waterway, which synchronized the downstream discharge and reduced the peak water levels (flood hazards), resulting in similar water levels or hydraulic equilibrium in the two rivers. There exists a critical flow fraction-about 75.9% (West River)-at which the incoming flow from both rivers presents similar water levels at the SXJ node, resulting in little flood diversion. Above the threshold, the flood water will divert from the West River to the North River with a maximum rate of -11,900 m(3)/s, accounting for 20% of the West River, reducing the peak water level up to 1.48 m at Makou. Below the threshold, the flood water will divert from the North River to the West River with a maximum rate of 11,990 m(3)/s, accounting for 55% of the North River, reducing the peak water level up to 6.63 m at Sanshui. Meanwhile, the discharge fraction at downstream Makou (Sanshui) maintained a near-constant value during individual floods and fluctuated around 76.6% (23.4%). This critical discharge fraction and the analytical approach are of significance in flood-risk management and hydraulic engineering design in the PRD. The concept model of the H-shaped compound river node clearly elucidates the flood diversion mechanism via the lateral SXJ waterway and may work for other similar river nodes as well.
flood diversion,peak water levels,pearl river delta,compound river node,discharge fraction,h-shaped
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