Expert System Integrating Rule-Based Reasoning to Voltage Control in Photovoltaic-Systems-Rich Low Voltage Electric Distribution Networks: A Review and Results of a Case Study

Vasilica Dandea,Gheorghe Grigoras


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Nowadays, in low voltage electric distribution networks, the distribution network operators are encountering a high number of connected small-scale distributed generation units, mainly photovoltaic prosumers. The intermittent nature of the prosumers, together with the degree of uncertainty of the requested and injected powers associated with all end-users from low voltage electric distribution networks, can cause voltage variations that violate the allowable limits. In this context, this paper developed an efficient and resilient expert system integrating rule-based reasoning applied to the on-load tap changer-fitted transformer to improve the efficiency of the voltage control in the PV-rich LV EDNs. An in-depth analysis based on 75 scenarios, resulting from the combinations of three indicators-the penetration degree of the photovoltaic prosumers, the consumption evolution associated with the consumers, and the energy production of the photovoltaic systems-was performed to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed expert system in a low voltage electric distribution network from a rural area belonging to a Romanian distribution network operator. The success rate of the expert system was 86.7% (65 out of 75 scenarios did not have voltage issues). All voltages were between the allowable limits in 100% of the time slots associated with the analysed period. For the other scenarios (representing 13.3%), voltages were inside the range [-10%, +10%] in at least 95% of the time slots.
voltage control,photovoltaic-systems-rich photovoltaic-systems-rich,low voltage,rule-based
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