Gender disparity in the effects of COVID-19 on academic productivity and career satisfaction in anesthesiology in the US: Results of a national survey of anesthesiologists


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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic created unprecedented challenges for anesthesiologists both at work and home. This study examined whether the pandemic affected academic productivity and career satisfaction among anesthesiologists practicing in the United States during the early stages of the pandemic and whether these effects differed by gender. A survey was emailed to 25,473 members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists to learn about their experiences during the beginning of the pandemic. The survey directed respondents to rate their change in academic productivity, clinical care hours, scholarly and leadership opportunities, income, childcare duties, and household responsibilities during the first 5 months of the pandemic (March 1-July 31, 2020). The primary variable was gender, academic productivity was the primary outcome, and data were analyzed by multivariable proportional odds logistic regression models and correlations. Female anesthesiologists reported lower academic productivity and career satisfaction relative to male anesthesiologists during the study period. Career satisfaction positively correlated with academic productivity. Compared to male anesthesiologists, female anesthesiologists also had more household responsibilities before and during the pandemic. Being a female parent reduced academic productivity relative to that reported by nonparents of either gender. In conclusion, the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic had a greater adverse professional impact on female anesthesiologists than on their male counterparts. Efforts to support and retain female anesthesiologists, particularly those early in their careers and those with children, are essential for the specialty to maintain its workforce and promote gender equity in promotion and leadership.
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career satisfaction,anesthesiologists,academic productivity,anesthesiology
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