Recruitment of both the ESCRT and autophagic machineries to ejecting Mycobacterium marinum


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Cytosolic Mycobacterium marinum are ejected from host cells such as macrophages or the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum in a non-lytic fashion. As described previously, the autophagic machinery is recruited to ejecting bacteria and supports host cell integrity during egress. Here, we show that the ESCRT machinery is also recruited to ejecting bacteria, partially dependent on an intact autophagic pathway. As such, the AAA-ATPase Vps4 shows a distinct localization at the ejectosome structure in comparison to fluorescently tagged Vps32, Tsg101 and Alix. Along the bacterium engaged in ejection, ESCRT and the autophagic component Atg8 show partial colocalization. We hypothesize that both, the ESCRT and autophagic machinery localize to the bacterium as part of a membrane damage response, as well as part of a "frustrated autophagosome" that is unable to engulf the ejecting bacterium.
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autophagy,Dictyostelium discoideum,ejectosome,ESCRT,Mycobacterium marinum
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