Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Complicating Graves’ Disease in a Sudanese Adolescent Girl: A Case Report and Exploration of the Underlying Mechanism Possibilities

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Background: Graves’ Disease (GD) related bone marrow injury presents usually as agranulocytosis or less commonly as pancytopenia. However, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has been reported recently in an adult patient with GD. The underlying pathogenesis is not fully understood. Nevertheless, the harmful effect of anti-thyroid drugs or autoimmune reaction to bone marrow cells is anticipated to be the causative factors. Case report: A 16.5-year-old Sudanese girl with GD was on carbimazole for the first fourteen months of her illness, with irregular follow up, then it was withdrawn because she developed hypothyroidism for which she was put on thyroxine. Meanwhile, she developed severe anemia without fever which necessitated blood transfusion. Eight months later, she presented with thyrotoxicosis relapse, febrile illness and pancytopenia which was proved to be ALL on bone marrow examination. Conclusion: ALL must be considered when encountering a GD patient with pancytopenia.
sudanese adolescent girl,disease
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