Equalising the Transmission Properties of Graph-Modelled Networks by Introducing the Control of the Resources Used to Transmit Information

Math. Comput. Sci.(2023)

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The object of the presented paper is to demonstrate the possibility of equalizing the transmission properties of networks described by graphs with an equal number of nodes of the same degree but differing in diameter and average path length. A node of a graph is understood to be a specialised device performing commutation and transmission functions, while an edge is understood to be a transmission link. It was assumed that this alignment can be achieved by controlling the transmission resources assigned to specific edges of a graph through which the network nodes communicate with each other. The concept of transmission resource, counted in contractual units, is understood as, for example, the number of time slots or the bandwidth of the links used to transmit information. The authors show that with the proposed method, the equalization of the mentioned network properties is achieved with a minimal increase in the global resources used for transmission.
networks,transmission properties,graph-modelled
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