Attacks and Threats Verification Based on 4G/5G Security Architecture.

Lie Yang,Chien-Erh Weng,Hsing-Chung Chen, Yang-Cheng-Kuang Chen, Yung-Cheng Yao


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5G networks are in high demand and are expected to transform many industries, including finance, healthcare, transportation, and entertainment, shaping the future of communication. Although the 3rd Generation Partnership Project has developed several cybersecurity protocols, vulnerabilities in these agreements still exist. These vulnerabilities can lead to security attacks on mobile devices during the registration process of the base station or wireless access, such as Data Leaking attacks, Denial-of-Service attacks, and Downgrade attacks. This study aims to analyze and experiment with relevant attack cases, identify existing information security vulnerabilities in the mobile network, and test the 4G/5G network security protocol for vulnerabilities through active attacks to demonstrate their impact on mobile devices. By doing so, this project aims to contribute towards the development of stronger and more secure mobile communication technology.
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Key words
threats verification,attacks,security
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