Investigating the Performance of Delay-Tolerant Routing Protocols Using Trace-Based Mobility Models

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond(2023)

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The mobility patterns of nodes significantly influence the performance of delay-tolerant network (DTN) routing protocols. Trace-based mobility is a class representing such movement patterns of nodes in DTN. This research analyzes the performance of DTN routing techniques on trace-based mobility regarding delivery ratio, average latency, and overhead ratio. Three real traces: MIT Reality, INFOCOM, and Cambridge Imotes are implemented on five DTN routing techniques: Epidemic, Spray and Wait, PRoPHET, MaxProp, and RAPID. For more explicit realization, Shortest Path Map-Based Movement from synthetic mobility model has also experimented with the traces. The Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator is used to simulate the considered protocols with these mobility models. Finally, this research presents a realistic study regarding the performance analysis of these DTN routing techniques on trace-based mobility along with Shortest Path Map-Based Movement by considering the variation of message generation intervals, message Time-To-Live (TTL), and buffer size, respectively.
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