Verification Analysis and Value Mining of Statistical Report Data of Higher Education

Meng Chen,Xuebo Li

Recent Trends in Educational Technology and Administration(2023)

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Under the new situation, in order to ensure the basic guarantee status of educational statistics in educational development, better serve the “double first-class” construction and improve the quality of educational statistics in grass-roots units. High quality education statistics play an important role in understanding and exploring the development law of higher education and promoting the formation and development of new ideas and theories of higher education. As the grass-roots main unit of educational statistics, colleges and universities scientifically carry out educational statistics, verify the logical relationship of statistical data, improve the quality of statistical data, mine the value of statistical data, and transform static statistical data analysis into dynamic detection of school running standards, which is helpful to provide data support for their scientific management and scientific decision-making, Better make due contributions to the connotative and high-quality development of higher education. Through its vertical and horizontal comparison, colleges and universities can better manage. In view of the current problems of higher education statistics, it is of practical significance to find out and improve the verification analysis of education statistics quality and excavate the value of higher education management.
verification analysis,value mining,statistical report data,higher education
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