How People in South America is Facing Monkeypox Outbreak?

Applied Machine Learning and Data Analytics(2023)

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During the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, a new outbreak of Monkeypox was confirmed in the United Kingdom at the beginning of May of 2022, and from there it has spread throughout the world. Monkeypox is a re-emerging zoonotic disease caused by monkeypox virus. The first case was detected in monkeys in 1958. Nevertheless, in humans it was not until 1970 that it had its first manifestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. On the other hand, social media platforms had proved to be an important source of valuable information. People use this kind of tools, specifically Twitter, to express their ideas, feelings, opinions, interests, in addition to information related to their both physical and mental health. Therefore, Twitter is real-time source of public information extremely useful on public health issues. This work presents a methodology to monitoring epidemiological events. A sentiment analysis of Twitter users of South America was carry out based in this proposal. Tweets with Monkeypox-related information for this study were collected from May 31, 2022 to November 30, 2022. Afterwards, the data was pre-processed, and from there text mining techniques and machine learning algorithms were applied to know how people is facing Monkeypox outbreak, a new public health emergency of international concern.
Sentiment Analysis, Machine Learning, Text Mining, Monkeypox
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