LoRaWAN-Based Intelligent Home and Health Monitoring of Elderly People

S. Elango,K. P. Sampoornam, S. Ilakkiya, N. Harshitha, S. Janani

Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies(2023)

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Wireless sensor network-based intelligent home monitoring system helps older people to ease their daily activities and provide them with safe and secure living. Wireless sensor networks allow the devices to measure and aid in monitoring, tracking and sensing their household appliances often. An innovative home monitoring system and intelligent healthcare monitoring system are integrated for real-time data evaluation of the older adults’ daily activities. This paper involves the intimation of the mechanism in various sensing devices based on their usage of household appliances. The efficiency of wellness functions predicts the abnormal behavior of the elderly during their need for electrical appliances. Smart home automation and smart health care are blended with the help of LoRaWAN communication network protocol. The implementation of the two methods in this technology includes tracking and determining the status of the elderly based on the performance of the functional assessment of day-to-day activities. The proposed system, which monitors and estimates their essential activities, is tested at homes when they live alone. The usage of LoRaWAN technology achieves the fruitful response of data validation.
health monitoring,intelligent home,elderly people,lorawan-based
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