The Role Of Nurses In Ethical Decision Making: In Literature Review Perspective


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Every nurse must follow the code of nursing ethics; following a nursing code of ethics is akin to discussing legally enforceable provisions. The use of a code of nursing ethics is a guideline that must be followed in order to provide quality nursing services to patients, and nurses in various positions must be dedicated to the nursing profession. By using the principles of the nursing code of ethics, the purpose of applying the code of ethics is to identify, regulate, review, and justify humanitarian action. Nurses feel challenged to develop and make ethical decisions while performing their duties as professional employees. This decision should not be based primarily on emotion or self-interest, but rather on the ethical standards established in 2000.The decision should be analytical and situational, which includes factors relevant to the scenario and circumstances of the case. Decisions must also be made according to the patient's needs and not to the detriment of others. Ethical decision-making is a cognitive skill that requires education about ethical principles, an understanding of specific ethical issues, and a review of the relevant literature and A systematic process, strategy, or method that nurses use when dealing with ethical dilemmas based on ethical concepts and principles to take action morally. In ethical dilemmas, there is no right or wrong. To make ethical decisions, one must rely on rational thinking rather than emotional ones.
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