A vision and strategy to revamp ESM workflows at DKRZ

Karsten Peters-von Gehlen,Ivonne Anders, Daniel Heydebreck,Christopher Kadow, Florian Ziemen,Hannes Thiemann


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<p>The German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) is an established topical IT service provider serving the needs of the German climate science community and their associated partners. At DKRZ, climate researchers have the means available to cover every aspect of the research life cycle, ranging from planning, model development and testing, model execution on the in-house HPC cluster (16 PFlops mainly CPU-based, 130 PB disk storage), data analysis (batch jobs, Jupyter, Freva), data publication and dissemination via the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) as well as long-term data preservation either at the project-level (little curation) or in the CoreTrustSeal certified World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) (extensive curation along the FAIR data principles). A plethora of user support services offered by domain-expert staff complement DKRZ&#8217;s portfolio.</p><p>&#160;</p><p>With the new HPC system coming online in early 2022 and a number of funded and to-be funded projects exploiting the available computational resources for conducting e.g. global storm-resolving (grid spacing <em>O</em>(1-3km)) simulations on climatic timescales, the current interplay DKRZ&#8217;s services needs to be revisited to devise a unified workflow that will be able to handle the upcoming challenges.&#160;</p><p>&#160;</p><p>This is why the above mentioned projects will supply a significant amount of funds to conceive a framework to efficiently orchestrate the entire model development, model execution and data handling workflow at DKRZ in close collaboration with the climate science community.</p><p>&#160;</p><p>In this contribution, we will detail our vision of a revamped and versatile ESM orchestration framework at DKRZ. Currently, this vision is based on having the orchestration performed by the Freva System (http://doi.org/10.5334/jors.253), in which users will be able to kick-off model compilation, compute and analysis jobs. Furthermore, Freva enables seamless provenance tracking of the entire workflow. Together with the implementation of data publication, long-term archiving and data dissemination workflows, the envisioned system provides a complete package of FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs) to researchers and allows for reproducibility, transparency and reduction of data redundancy.&#160;</p>
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