Severe cooling of the Atlantic thermocline during the last glacial

Marleen Lausecker, Freya Hemsing, Thomas Krengel, Julius Förstel,Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Evan Cooper Border,Covadonga Orejas, Jürgen Titschak,Claudia Wienberg,Dierk Hebbeln,Anne-Marie Wefing,Paolo Montagna,Eric Douville,Lelia Matos,Jacek Raddatz,Norbert Frank


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<p>The mean cooling of the global ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was recently estimated to 2.6&#176;C using noble gases trapped in ice cores (1). The ocean, however, is highly heterogeneous with respect to its internal temperature varying both in latitude and water depth. While temperature changes in the deep ocean are small at about 2 - 3 &#176;C (1,2), the upper ocean is more dynamic. Regional temperature anomalies of up to 7&#176;C are predicted during the LGM compared to modern interior ocean temperature by global ocean circulation models (3). Due to the temperature drop to near freezing conditions and the global increase in salinity from ice sheet growth, the oceans&#8217; deep interior became strongly haline stratified (2). Temperatures of the glacial ocean thermocline are, however, less well constrained.</p><p>Here, thermocline temperature reconstructions since the last glacial based on the Li/Mg ratio in cold-water coral skeletons are presented. The coral samples, collected from 300 - 1200 m water depths from different sites in the Atlantic (43&#176;N to 25&#176;S), reveal synchronous 5 - 7&#176;C cooling during the last glacial period compared to today, as well as a dramatic shoaling of the thermocline. At the end of the LGM, warming of the upper thermocline ocean occurred early in the southern hemisphere followed by a fluctuating warming and thermocline deepening in the northern Hemisphere. This supports the oceanic climate seesaw proposed by Stocker and Johnson in 2003 (4). We thus propose dramatic changes in the export of polar waters towards the Equator and an enhanced subsurface ocean stratification leading to a mostly polar Atlantic with a shallow permanent thermocline during the glacial.</p><p>&#160;</p><p><strong>References:</strong></p><p>1) Bereiter et al., <em>Nature</em> <strong>553</strong>, 39-44 (2018).<br>2) Adkins et al., Science <strong>298</strong>, 1769-1773 (2002).<br>3) Ballarotta et al., Clim. Past <strong>9</strong>, 2669-2686 (2013).<br>4) Stocker and Johnsen, Paleoceanography <strong>18</strong>, 1087 (2003).</p>
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