Hourly sea-level change with long-term trends for impact attribution: the HLT Dataset


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<p>Rising seas are a threat for human and natural systems along coastlines. The relation between global warming and sea-level rise is established, but impacts due to historical sea-level rise are not well quantified on a global scale. To foster the attribution of observed coastal impacts to sea-level rise, we here present HLT, a sea-level forcing dataset encompassing factual and counterfactual sea-level evolution along global coastlines from 1979 to 2015. HLT combines observation-based long-term changes with reanalysis-based hourly water level variation. Comparison to tide gauge records shows improved performance of HLT, mainly due to the inclusion of density-driven sea-level change. We produce a counterfactual by removing the trend in relative sea level since 1900. The detrending preserves the timing of historical extreme sea-level events. Hence, the data can be used in event-based impact attribution to sea-level rise with tuples of impact simulations driven with the factual and counterfactual dataset. The dataset is made available openly through the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP).</p>
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