Seasonal differences in the persistence of SST’s Response to the North Atlantic Jet Stream


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<p>The North Atlantic Jet Stream is well known to leave an imprint on the North Atlantic SST in the form of a tri-polar pattern.&#160; The majority of the existing research has focused on the winter jet stream position or strength of the jet stream.&#160; Here we look at the response of the North Atlantic SSTs to the strength and position of the North Atlantic Jet Stream across all seasons in the CMIP6 piControl simulations.&#160; For the case of both the strength and position of the jet stream the multi-model mean response is a tripolar SST pattern, with the response to the changes in strength showing a slight horseshoe pattern with the northern and southern most anomalies connected on the east and most evident in the summer.&#160; The SST response to winter and spring jet stream changes persist the longest with the northern most imprint on the SSTs lasting up to 2 years.&#160; The response to changes in the jet stream in the summer and fall leave an imprint on the SSTs lasting atmost into the following year. &#160; Furthermore, we investigate at how these responses vary among the CMIP6 models and potential mechanisms leading to the persistence.</p>
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