Assessing the contribution of charge exchange and Coulomb collisions to ring current proton dynamics with the new 4-D Proton Versatile Electron RadiationBelt (proVERB) code

Julia Himmelsbach,Hayley Allison,Yuri Shprits,Bernhard Haas, Michael Wutzig,Dedong Wang


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<p>Ring current particles affect the terrestrial magnetic field configuration, altering particle trajectories, as well as presenting a surface charging hazard for satellites. These particles can act as a seed population for the electron radiation belts and generate plasma waves. Accurately describing ring current dynamics is crucial to understand the near-Earth plasma environment. Here we report on our first results of the expansion of the Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code to model ring current proton dynamics (proVERB). We perform sensitivity studies for the four dimensional grid, considering the grid resolution necessary to resolve proton dynamics. Analysing the banana shaped orbits for ring current protons shows that the azimuthal grid resolution is comparable to the electron grid, while the resolution in the radial grid has to be significantly enhanced. Loss mechanisms of charge exchange and Coulomb collisions, thought to be largely responsible for the decay of the ring current during the recovery phase of a storm, are included in proVERB. We present our first simulation results and compare them to observations from the Van Allen probes HOPE and MagEIS instruments. By retaining and omitting charge exchange and Coulomb collisions in our simulations, we study the role of these loss processes on the ring current evolution during active periods.</p>
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