Volatile Organic Compounds emission and accumulation from residential wood burning: A case study.


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<p>Biomass burning is a significant global source of gaseous and particulate matter emissions to the troposphere. Combustion of biomass releases a complex variety of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) that can significantly affect local and regional air quality, human health and atmospheric chemical processes. Here, we present wintertime, high temporal resolution observations made with a Proton Transfer Reaction &#8211; Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS) at Ioannina, Greece, during December/January 2022. The city of Ioannina is characterized by intense residential wood burning, that in combination with its topography results in magnified accumulation of gaseous pollutants. We report exceptionally high concentrations for a vast range of VOCs (oxygenated VOCs, aromatics, acids, terpenes etc) that are comparable with the ambient concentrations measured in highly polluted megacities globally. By studying the VOC emission source patterns together with other air quality variables monitored in this study, we characterize the different biomass burning sources and evaluate their significance in atmospheric chemistry and human health.&#160;</p>
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