Solar Orbiter Data-Model Comparison in Venus' Induced Magnetotail


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<p>We investigate the Venusian magnetotail and its boundaries utilising magnetic field and density measurements that cover a wide range of radial distances, from the two geometrically similar Solar Orbiter Venus flybys on 27 December 2020 and 9 August 2021. We look at the magnetic field components along the spacecraft trajectory in an attempt to identify boundary crossings, as well as the extent and intensity of the bowshock deep in the magnetotail. We compare these observations with results of a simulation of the induced magnetosphere and magnetotail of Venus, where the initial upstream conditions are provided by Solar Orbiter measurements, to examine in what degree the simulation representation agrees with the observations. The model encloses a massive volume of 80R<sub>V </sub>x 60R<sub>V</sub> x 60R<sub>V</sub> &#160;in which we look at magnetic field and proton density variations. Additionally, we vary the rotation of the clock angle in order to find for which rotation angle we get the best match with the observations during the different steps of the spacecraft's trajectory.&#160;</p>
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