Agroeconomic viability of intercropping taro and okra plants according to planting dates and plant arrangements

Idesia (Arica)(2021)

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Intercropping is a cultivation system that aims to achieve high productivity per unit area and promote the sustainability of the production system. The objective of this work is to evaluate the agronomic viability and economic profietability of intercropping taro with okra plants. The research was conducted in an experimental field between October 2011 and June 2012. In total, nine treatments from four intercrops of taro with okra plants were evaluated: okra was planted at two time points, 0 days and 30 days after the taro planting, and two arrangements of okra plants, one plant at 30 cm and two plants at 60 cm. We used a randomized block experimental design with four replications and determined the indexes of SPAD, LAI, K, and the productivity and economic indexes. The intercropping systems were agronomically viable by presenting a Land Use Efficiency (LUE) value above 1. When okra was intercropped at the same time as taro, the best results for Profitability Index (PI), economic yield, and Rate of Return (RR) were achieved. The treatment with one okra plant at 30 cm, intercropped at 0 DAP (Days After Planting) taro presented the best results for RR and PI.
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