Standard Operating Procedure for performing sweep net sampling of host-seeking mosquitoes v1


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This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) outlines the materials and processes required to perform sweep net sampling of host-seeking adult mosquitoes. Description:Sweet nets can be used to capture mosquitoes that are attracted to a host and are flying the immediate vicinity. Human-baited sweep netting involves simply walking into a mosquito harbourage site and waiting for the mosquitoes to come to you. This method is effective for species such as Aedes albopictus which are aggressive biters. Target species and physiological states: Captures host-seeking adults of both sexes and many species. Note, that Aedes males are often captured as they congregate around hosts in search of female mates. Entomological surveillance indicators: Adult vector occurrence, density as well as adult vector behaviour (human biting rate, biting time, biting location). Advantage:The equipment and supplies are inexpensive and portable. The mosquitoes are capture before they have a chance to bite the host. Disadvantage:This method is labour intensive and requires trained staff. There is a low risk that field staff may become infected with mosquito-borne diseases. Sampling period: Sweep net collections are usually conducted for a standardised time period or a fixed number of sweeps. When sampling Aedes, collections are often standardized to 5 or 10 minutes or 30 to 50 sweeps per sampling station. Data:Total number of host-seeking mosquitoes per sampling effort (by species and sex). When necessary, field data is merged with the results of subsequent laboratory analyses. To watch a video of how to use sweep nets to sample host-seeking mosquitoes go to:
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