Problem Based Learning Group Projects in an Online Format – A Sequential Approach

Acs Symposium Series(2021)

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Student-learning by conducting projects in teams or groups is a well established and successful science practice. In problem or team-based learning students learn and enhance science understanding by application, and they become more proficient in other skills such as collaboration, leadership, communication, problem solving, and brainstorming. Moving group work into an online format is challenging but can be accomplished with consideration of the project goals. When forced to suddenly transition all coursework and projects into online formats we found that the faculty communication and shared interest in student skill development were critical, especially across disciplines where hierarchal program structure means that advanced courses rely on consistent content in foundational courses in supporting disciplines. These conversations influenced strategic development of projects, often on the fly, with specific goals of scaffolding student skills and expectations in creation, redesign and modification of projects to achieve goals. Three courses, two foundational prerequisites required for an upper division course, typical of any chemistry/biochemistry program, are described. This sequential approach, achieved by interdisciplinary faculty coordination of learning objectives and skill development over a series of scaffolded and interdependent courses and content, builds students’ group work skills not only in the scientific domain, but also communication and organizational capacity.
group,learning,online format
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