Influence of the Earth’s atmosphere rotation on the spectrum of acoustic-gravity waves

Kinematika i fizika nebesnyh tel(2022)

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It was shown in a recent paper by Cheremnykh et al. (Advances in Space Research, 2022) that taking into account the rotation of the Earth's atmosphere leads to the appearance of a new region of evanescent waves with a continuous frequency spectrum on the diagnostic diagram of acoustic-gravity waves. The region is located below the lower limit of gravity waves, which is equal $2\Omega$ at all wavelengths, where $\Omega$ is the angular frequency of the atmosphere rotation. This result was obtained for high-latitude regions of the atmosphere, in which we can limit ourselves to considering only the vertical component of the Earth's rotation frequency. In the proposed paper we show that taking into account both components of the vector of the atmosphere rotation frequency $\overrightarrow{\Omega}$ - horizontal, $\Omega\cos\varphi$ , and vertical, $\Omega\sin\varphi$, where $\varphi$ is the Earth`s latitude, the dominant role in the acoustic-gravity waves propagation is played by the vertical component. It is shown that the horizontal component leads to an insignificant modification on the diagnostic diagram of the boundaries of the areas of acoustic and gravity waves, which can be neglected. Also shown that the strongest vertical component of the frequency affects the lower limit of gravity waves, which depends at all wavelengths on the latitude of the observation site and is equal to $2\Omega\sin\varphi$.
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Key words
atmosphere rotation,earths,acoustic-gravity
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