
Evaluation of the g473a polymorphism in the lysyl oxidase gene as a risk factor related to the occurrence of breast cancer in brazilian women

Rodrigo Guilherme Varotti Pereira,Ricardo Peres Souto, Priscila Larcher Longo,César Eduardo Fernandes,Ivo Carelli Filho,Rogério Tadeu Felizi, Melissa Gonzales Veiga,Emerson De Oliveira

Journal of Human Growth and Development(2022)

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Introduction: breast cancer is the most diagnosed type of cancer and the leading cause of death among women worldwide. Approximately 1.67 million new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in 2012, leading to more than half a million deaths. Breast cancer accounted for 11.6% of newly diagnosed cancers (2,089 million) and 9.2% (787,000) of cancer-related deaths for both sexes and at all ages worldwide in 2018. Objective: breast cancer, as the most diagnosed carcinoma in the world and the leading cause of death among women, is a morbidity of outstanding importance, and the object of this study is to evaluate the association between the LOX gene G473A (rs1800449) polymorphism and breast cancer occurrence, potentially establishing a new finding in the identification of risks, prevention, and care for a specific group of women. Methods:in this retrospective cohort study, LOX G473A polymorphism frequency was assessed in 148 women with breast cancer and 245 women without breast cancer. All patients completed a questionnaire to identify possible risk factors and subsequently underwent peripheral blood collection to study the LOX gene. DNA was extracted followed by gene amplification via PCR, and the polymorphism was studied by specific fragment electrophoresis after digestion of the samples with the restriction endonuclease Pstl. Results: this study identified the use of oral contraceptives and family history of breast cancer as risk factors for breast cancer; the G473A polymorphism in LOX was not identified as a risk factor. Conclusion: a relationship was not observed between the LOX G473A polymorphism and the occurrence of breast cancer.
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