
The role of silicate fillers on the formation properties of powder coatings

Budìvelʹnì konstrukcìï. Teorìâ ì praktika(2022)

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The current state of the Ukrainianeconomy causes to resolve a range of questions related to the improvement of production and increasein the ecological safety of products, including paintand-varnishes materials, in combination with ensuring high operational properties of coatings based onthem.The formation of high-quality paints and varnishes with a long service life without compromising the ecology of the environment when usingthem, is largely determined by the composition andphysical and mechanical properties of paints andvarnishes.The main disadvantage of using liquid paints andvarnishes traditional for the Ukrainian market rangeis the content of solvents in their composition up to40%, which inevitably leads to their emission during production and application, as well as environmental pollution. This problem can be solved byscaling up production using eco-friendly powdercoating.According to the research results, we have obtained eco-friendly paint-and-varnishes coatings ofhigh corrosion resistance based on powder coatingcontaining silicates as a filler in the form of metakaolin and talc.Using the mentioned range of fillers in the powder coating contributes to the decrease in the peelingwidth to 2.13 mm and metal corrosion width to 1.38mm after testing in the salt spray chamber with thecondensation of 5 % of the sodium chloride watersolution and places obtained coatings into atmospheric corrosivity categories С3 and С4 accordingto ІSO 12944-2:2017, which creates conditions forusing these compositions in the context of the excessive corrosivity.
silicate fillers,powder coatings,formation properties
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